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“I am making everything new.”

Revelations 21:1-7

In the New Year, many people make New Year’s resolutions. I am not sure about Korea, but in America majority of people’s resolutions for 2018 are like these. New Year’s resolutions largely reflect people’s desire to upgrade and live a new life. This type of New Year’s resolution is a new phenomenon coming at the end of prolonged economic depression. It seems natural that people who hit the bottom in life would desire life changes in the New Year and work hard for it. However, according to a research, although fifty-two percent of the people were optimistic about achieving their New Year’s resolutions, eight-eight percent of the people fail to achieve their goals.

And at the end of the year, majority of them look back at their past year. And when they realize that they have failed to achieve their set goals, they become disappointed in themselves and become resentful about life. Book of Wisdom writer’s lament that there is nothing new under the sun seems to match the reality of humanity. Is any of you, having been disappointed too many times, welcoming year 2018 without any hopes for new and upgraded life?

Let us pray together now. Lord, we praise you for giving us new year 2018. As I proclaim today’s word, guide my lips. And open our hearts and spirits so we can hear when the Word is proclaimed, and do not miss any grace you wish to provide. We pray in the name of our Lord. Amen.

Eastern Orthodox Christians in central and eastern Europe and other parts of the world celebrate Christmas on January 7th. And for the rest of us, yesterday was celebrated as Epiphany, the time when the wise men from the East came to worship baby Jesus with gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Christmas is significant because our Lord came to this world and personally solved problems that we cannot solve ourselves, especially the problem of death and afterlife, relationship with God, reconciliation, and the problem of sin.

In Korea, we describe people who succeed from unfavorable circumstances and poverty, as a dragon being born out of a stream. It is similar to English expression, ‘Rags to riches.’ Rags to riches story of others give hope to people that we can overcome unfavorable circumstances and have new and upgraded life. There are many examples of rags to riches in America that give hope. President Andrew Johnson is one of them. He became the seventeenth president of the United States succeeding the president Lincoln who was assassinated. And he was a great leader who effectively united a deeply divided nation due to the Civil War. His greatest accomplishment was purchasing Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars. U.S. Congress was opposed the idea of purchasing Alaska, a huge boulder of ice. The congress thought it would be better to purchase the ice in Mississippi River. However, they apologized later after learning that Alaska was full of deposits of gold, white gold, vibrant fishery, forests, and oil. In addition to economic significance, Alaska is very important for national security. If he did not purchase Alaska at the time, it would have been very difficult to protect American’s safety.

His amazing judgment and actions are even more remarkable when we look into his personal life. He was born in Raleigh, North Carolina to an extremely poor family. He lost his father when he was three years old. At the age of ten, he was apprenticed as a tailor. Then, at the age of sixteen he became a fugitive, wanted for a ransom. Then, at the age of eighteen, he married the daughter of a shoe repairman. He never received a formal education. However, a coworker at the tailor shop taught him to read, and his wife led him to church. His wife also taught him writing, math, and public speaking. He loved reading and by the age of forty he became an excellent writer. Then, alongside Abraham Lincoln he led the abolition of slavery. Instead of being resentful about childhood poverty and neglect, God worked with him to pursue a new life.

People wish to change for better in the New Year, and dreams of better life and set new goals. Then, they try hard. However, within a month they lose sight of their goals and return to old self without any changes.

Ultimately, they look back at their life and regret. However, in today’s text verse 5, our Lord tells us that it is possible for us to become new. Today our Lord tells us that like the president Andrew Johnson, we can enjoy new life, life of hope, our dreams coming true.

Today’s text, especially Revelations chapters 21 and 22 is about restored Garden of Eden, and Heaven. Restored Eden is much better than the Garden of Eden that was created for Adam and Eve in Genesis. Although humans were evicted from the Garden of Eden due to sin (Genesis 3:24), in the Revelations the Paradise is restored (22:14). In addition, sorrow and pain started in Eden in Genesis (3:17), but in Eden of Revelations there is no more tears or sorrows (21:4).

I met many people through counseling and ministry, and surprising discovery is that most people are not living their true life. And they continue to live on without actualizing their potentials. And most of them live on with regrets, sadness, anxieties, and anger. That is why whenever a new year comes they work hard to bring changes. Then, they fail again. To them our Lord came through Christmas and makes a promise in verse 5 in today’s text. In verse 5, John hears God’s voice, “I am making everything new!” This is a promise of new life given to us. Thomas Wright calls this ‘the Great Recovery’.

In the history of Christianity, this word is an amazing word of hope given to all believers. The new life our Lord wants to give us through today’s text is multi-dimensional.

First, our Lord gives new environment and new community. In verse 2, new Jerusalem centered on New Heaven and New Earth comes down out of heaven. God, who created the universe and saw that it was good, makes new the world of sorrow and pain caused by sin. God promises to give new heaven and new earth. Most people suffer due to imperfect world, nations, and families. To the people who suffer in the imperfect and unjust world God personally promises to give new heaven, new earth, and new world.

And that world is a new city, which came down from heaven is ruled by God. Of course, the perfect world is only possible when Jesus returns. However, this city is a place we reside while we live here. Verse 2 is about the city our Lord reigns, new environment and new community.

Second, the state of our existence becomes new. Existentially, all humans are alone. Therefore, everybody works hard to avoid loneliness and to receive love. Some people buy pets to deal with loneliness. They want warm bodies next to them. And if they do not have them for extended time, they experience chills in their bones. Then, our Lord says, He will come to us personally and be with us. Verse 3 says, “God’s dwelling place is now among them.” This means we are no longer alone. Furthermore, our relationship with God is becoming complete. God will dwell with us. It is a relationship of becoming one. When we are with the Lord, we are no longer alone wherever we are. Human existence becomes new. Never alone.

Third, our identities become new. All Christians could become miserable even if they go church all their life. They could experience identity confusion. Especially when their life becomes very successful or hits the bottom. When they face new crisis, or challenges their sense of identity shakes. However, when we come to realize that our Lord is with us, we are His people, we come to realize who we truly are and how precious we are. We come know what is right and act righteously. David once confessed, “What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor” (Psalm 8:4-5). God changes our pitiful identity to a new and precious identity. We are made new. Our status and identity as God’s people are not by our choice. It is given by the Lord.

Fourth, our hearts are made new. According to verse 4, there will be no more pain or sorrow. “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” This is a very comforting word. There were several moments in life that I cried because I was so upset. When I was a kid, I was bullied by my village kids. I ran home and ran into my mother’s arms and cried. My mother wiped my tears and went to the kids and chastised them. That memory of my mom still brings gratitude and joy. Sorrow and pain are parts of life. However, the comfort our Lord provides helps us to overcome our sorrow and pain and live actively. Our Lord’s love and grace heal and strengthen our bodies and our souls. Exodus 15:26 says, “I am the Lord, who heals you.” Jeremiah 30:17 says, “But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds.” No more sorrow or pain, no more weakened hearts. God promises new heart.

When our hopes disappear in the midst of life’s troubles, when tears from pain and fears get in the way, when we do not feel like we can go on, our Lord promises to make everything new. Many people interpret Revelations with apocalyptic perspectives, as if they are removed from our current life. However, our God who created the universe and humankind is not only about afterlife. Our God is mighty to restore perfectly God’s original purpose of creation.

Today’s text talks about restoration and hope. It is for the people who are prepared to receive and enjoy this new life. It is about belief, faith, and value system. Verses 7 and 8 compares, “the ones victorious” and the ones who are not. The victorious ones are those who live with faith in God’s promises. However, those who do not believe will be thrown into fiery lake of burning sulfur. If we believe and love, then we can live with faith and love.

Our Lord makes new the important things of our life, our circumstances, community, existence, identity, and hearts. God gives new life goals and new life. “I am making everything new.”

When the Lord becomes the master of our life, when the Lord reigns, living in the new world, in Jerusalem that came down from heaven becomes possible. My beloved, with the Lord who makes everything new, I pray that in the year 2018, that you experience new life, life of heaven on earth, and witness and lead others to the life with the Lord, away from life in hell.

May God make your identity and existence new. Make your identity and existence precious and honorable. Make your bodies and hearts new. Heal your wounded bodies and hearts, and strengthen them. When you are with the Lord and live as God’s children even the power of death disappears. Instead, you will enjoy eternal life and blessings of resurrection.

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